A single sufficient retrofit with both a physical and virtual design
It is a hard package to achieve. Which is why the commercial market has swerved away for meeting this challenge.
We are not just doing fabric first or heat pump first - we are doing BOTH in one go - that is a new approach for some.
We are NOT giving people lots of confusing choice - there will be a level of choice within the designs and service offered, but it is more an area scheme not boutique pick and mix - this package is unaffordable otherwise.
It is likely to be a very long term and controlled approach to delivery, meeting regulatory requirements (heat code, right to switch electricity suppliers etc) and very high-quality standards,
· The installation of in-street boreholes with shared ambient ground source loops.
· A small GSHP in the home, with a smart hot water tank and new radiators if needed.
· Sufficient retrofit to improve the fabric so the house can be heated by the 6kW heat pump retaining heat, not losing it.
· Adding solar PV where possible.
· Joined virtually to a smart local energy system or energy club to tackle the ‘spark gap’ and lower the price of electricity for customers.
Delivered in a phased, planned and coordinated approach - better for managing demand on the grid and benefitting from economies of scale. At the same time building up local supply chain with resulting skills and jobs and accountability.